The founders of Priceless Farms (Uganda) established VentreeLife (Canada) to represent and promote the agricultural methods and exportable products of the farm to international markets.
The first of many future installations and farming partnerships, Priceless is located is in East Africa, on the shores of Lake Kyoga and the White Nile River in Uganda. Established in 2015 the farm is a stunning example of re-forestation, Permaculture design and community building by a for-profit organization. Recognized in the region by local governance and authorities as a model for future agricultural development in the region.
We are Tree Planting, Soil Regenerating, Forest Propagation organization. Part of a massive revolution with hundreds of other organizations throughout the world we are changing the way farming, food production, reforestation and soil conservation is done; to reverse the effects of desertification in East Africa and throughout the world. This urgent and nascent revolution represents an enormous social and political change that is affecting communities and markets worldwide.
Priceless aspires to be an important part of the nascent and accelerating global movement to fundamentally change the methods and practices of agricultural food and phytomedicinal production. We have adopted the credo of the worldwide Permaculture movement.
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