A utility token backed by the growing value of the living tree

Our Blockchain & Utility Token Strategy

To manage the entire end-to-end production cycle from seedlings to product distribution and channel sales an open ledger “Blockchain” platform is in the process of being scoped. This will integrate with the Ventree Innovations Utility Token. The “TRē0” is Ventree Innovation’s utility token is a crypto token that serves to allow industrial and individual investors to purchase blocks of land to be used for farming or some other use case within the specific VentreeLife ecosystem such as the purchase and exchange of carbon credit value. The “TRē0” utility token is unique to this ecosystem, but it is envisioned that will have an accumulated-stored value that could ultimately be cashed out or traded with other members holding the same token. This strategy, the so-called Token-Economics is currently in the planning phase and a coupled (Blockchain, Utility Token and product portfolio distribution) strategy is expected to be launched in Q4 2022, or sooner if funds permit.

Carbon dioxide removal, also known as negative CO₂ emissions, is a process in which carbon dioxide gas is removed from the atmosphere and sequestered for long periods of time.

Priceless Farms is currently auditing and evaluating various Carbon removal methods focusing on natural strategies such as tree restoration, agricultural soil management, and hybrid strategies like enhanced root crops, bioenergy with carbon capture and storage. Priceless Farms sees the restoring of trees to the landscape through reforestation, restocking degraded forests and agroforestry systems as the single largest “shovel-ready” opportunity for carbon removal at scale Globally.

The Ventree Innovation Blockchain platform will be responsible for compiling the audit, value creation, validation and all aspects of the carbon credit trading platform. This process has already commenced with the engagement of a third-party specialist who is in the audit phase at the “Foundational Farm” in Uganda and will be producing Living Lab strategies and roll out processes and production protocols for all the community and single owner land banks.

An opportunity exists to build a dedicated Global Agribusiness to collect, verify a trade carbon credits via a branded VentreeLife portal sharing profit directly with the farmers and communities.

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