If you read my last blog you’ll know that we received about 18,000 Lyra seedlings on October 8th in anticipation of the seasonal rains that usually come mid-to-late September. But alas we had to wait almost another full week, finally getting a big rain event on the 14th.

The plantation acreage had been previously ploughed twice to break up and turn under the grasses but the hard dry soils needed a substantial rain to soften up the land before for planting would be possible. The tractor is back on the plot over the next couple of days now to do the final prep and planting will begin later this week.
We did a 5 minute video (pre-rain fall) for you to get the full explanation and the scope of the property and process. CLICK HERE >>

This is the first time that this land has been opened up for a sustainable Agro-forestry plantation. The region is remote and has never been subjected to any industrial pollution, and although subsistence, slash-and-burn farming has been the practice here for many years the soils in this valley area are dark and fertile. In the video Aaron, Manager of Priceless Farms, explains the details of the installation and explains the various stages of harvesting the trees as well.
So, we are looking forward to getting these trees in the ground and watching as our community farmers intercrop a variety of cash crops beneath the cover of this soon to be Lyra Tree forest. ~
– Kim Elton